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Nothing but Fun in Year 0/1

This week we have finally been settling into our new classroom. The kiddos have been enjoying every second of our new outdoor classroom. They are so creative I tell you! From making forts, to putting on their own plays, or spraying each other with the water hose—they’re always busy out there discovering something new. Kids really can be kids here. If they get muddy, they get muddy. If they get soaking wet from the hose, oh well they have a change of clothes to put on, and if not, we find them something. Seeing everything they come up with to entertain themselves is truly awesome. One of the best parts about the outdoor classroom is that since we have our own space, the kiddos can have their tea time and lunch outside in the grass inside of staying on the mat in the classroom. They are so precious in their little bucket hats!!!

We also set up our classroom Christmas tree this week!! It is so weird setting up a tree when it is 80 degrees outside. It was fun to have the kids help decorate and put on the lights and ornaments. We even added candy canes to the tree for some fun. Well…that may have been a bad idea. My coop and I walked in after morning tea and a part of our tree was candy caneless. SO, we had to have a little heart to heart chat with our class about taking the candy canes off and eating them. Smart kiddos I tell ya. They also have been working really hard on their letters to Santa. On Friday, we put them all in the envelope and sent them off to the North Pole. We are hoping that we are lucky enough to get a little letter back from Santa as well:)

This week we have been busy with JAM testing, which is a variety of math tests. Being only a week away from the end of the year, students have been doing such a great job staying focused. It’s that time of the year that everyone is ready to be on holiday, so I have been really proud of all of them for continuing to work so hard. Thursday was an exciting day for all the classes because we had meet the teacher day. During the day, the students all went into their new classroom for next year and met their teacher and all of the friends that will be in their class. They do this before students go on holiday that way students are not anxious about who their teacher will be. Especially for my little ones, a lot of them have already been nervous about next year, so this is a good way to relax them.

Next week is another busy week. We have our Christmas concert on Tuesday and Morning Tea Time with parents on Thursday. During our morning tea on Thursday we will be doing a variety of Christmas decorations and sharing a special snack with one another. On Friday we have a half-day and then the staff is headed out for an end of the year lunch together. I cannot believe next week is my last week teaching here. It is going by way too fast. Watching my students grow over the last 7 weeks has been so fun. Even if it is them getting exciting about writing one more sentence in their journal, or finally being able to spell all of their words on their word list, seeing their little faces light up with excitement is the most rewarding thing for me. This group of kiddos is truly one of a kind and I’m crossing my fingers that next week goes extra slowwwwwwwwww.

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